Friday, June 15, 2012

Sunrise with the Cormorant Fishermen

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We woke up very early in the morning one morning of our China trek to take a group of small boats a little way up the Li (Lijiang) River from our hotel to shoot sunrise with a group of Cormorant fishermen. It was an early wake-up call (3:30 AM).

When we got to the dock, it was so dark you could not see your hand in front of your face. The few trekkers who had flashlights really saved the day and everyone got on and off the boats safely. The fisherman came along for the ride by attaching their fishing rafts to the boats carrying us.

When we arrived at the beautiful shoot location surrounded by those otherworldly Li River hills, the fishermen worked to light their lanterns as we got prepared to shoot through the sunrise.

The next hour was spent quietly shooting this beautiful scene as the light changed constantly.

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